Monday, 18 March 2013

Managing Technical Debt

Really good discussion about Technical Debt by Michael Halls from Three Beacons
"Technical debt" term coined by Ward Cunningham in 1992 also called design debt

1- Unintentional
  • Lack of Training
  • Wrong skill mix in the team
  • Less requirement clearity
  • Platform rewrite when we don't know current technical debt
2- Intentional:
  • Valid business reason (Limited budget)
  • Generic variable name
  • Not following conventions
  • Code hacking
  • To Dos 

Watch complete video:

Friday, 1 February 2013

Mistakes from New Agile Teams

I attended really good event last night London Agile Evangelists arranged by Arrows Group presented by Paul Bowler.

From his previous experience he explained some good bias about the teams new in Agile how they usually fail to achieve the product and velocity.

1- Texas sharpshooter fallacy:
You tend to ignore random chance when the results seem meaningful or when you want a random event to have a meaningful cause.

2- Confirmation Bias:
Your opinions are the result of years of paying attention to information which confirmed what you believed while ignoring information which challenged your preconceived notions.

You keep asking people until someone confirmed the answer you looking for.

3 - Subjective Bias:
Decision making or evolution based on personal, poorly measurable, and unverifiable data or feelings.

4- Interloper Effect:
Tendency to value third party opinion without motive. We value third party opinion as being more objective and trustworthy.

5- Survivorship Bias:
Tendency to ignore failures or overlook failures it can lead to overly optimistic beliefs.

6- Optimism Bias:
Causing people to ignore failure and what ever happend they will achieve this even though they can see the big failure but just ignoring it.

7- Bandwagon Effect:
This is an observed social behaviour in which people tend to follow what others are doing and thinking without considering their actions.

8- Correspondance Bias:
Blame other people and their behaviours.

9- Information Bias:
It comes from less information and some measurement errors.

There were some more bias in Paul Bowler presentation bit these are the one which I picked best from my experience.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Agile Team Roles

One of the best explanation video of Agile Team Roles