Tuesday, 6 July 2010


This is the system to achieve JIT (Just in time) production. Last month we introduced this in our company as well and so far it’s working really great it gives some motivation to the team and actually to see physically something happening. Every morning in the meeting each team member explains what they finished yesterday and then moves their cards. We implement Kanban on white board and Kanban Cards are actually Post-In notes which are:

Divided in two Sections:


Specification Backlog: Specification in backlog

Specifications: Specifications done.


Backlog: The projects and features in Backlog

Development: The projects and features are in development phase.

Testing: The projects and features are in testing phase.

Completed: The projects and features deployed successfully.

Note: So until we deploy the feature or project we keep them in Testing.


· Personal responsibilities

· Better Tracking

· Less overhead on Management

· Physical appearance of work

· Organising work yourself

· Team feel proud in their achievements

We basically keep track of our daily weekly work in this Kanban board and decided to have two different types of post in notes large one for projects and Features and small one for important fixes and it going well we changed the board layout after a week to have two backlogs.



Toyota also uses the Kanban system their philosophy is

"Just-in-Time" means making only "what is needed, when it is needed, and in the amount needed."

If you like read more can read this blog.

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